Why Is It Necessary to Compress and Resize Visuals

Resizing an image is one of those impenetrable problems many people have trouble with. I don't know why, because it should be a very easy task. You can do so on your desktop or by using an online image resizing app. When it comes to online images, size matters a lot. Particularly for people with poor internet connections who can't wait for a page with pictures to load. These people often become irritated and abandon the platform in search of another. Make sure you upload appropriately sized images to the internet.

That wasn't so difficult to understand, was it? However, even though resizing is so easy, people continue to snap large-sized images with digital cameras and then attempt to post them on the web. Often resulting in sluggish websites.

You can use a quick online image compresser tool such as Réduire Taille JPG.

Why Image Resizing is Important
Knowing how to properly use digital images is an essential tool for making your website stand out from competitors. Resizing images without losing their quality is also a great way to make an excellent first impression on visitors, who are most often captivated by pictures above all else. Another important reason behind the need to redimensionner image properly is page speed.

Make Image Files the Correct Width and Height
Content management systems like WordPress automatically provide you with size options when you add a picture, so if you use one of those, you may suppose you're all set! However, it's essential to note that these tools only affect the size at which the image is displayed; the file size is unaffected. You can see this step by right-clicking on an image and selecting "open image in a new tab;" you'll see the picture in all its original-size glory. This may be all good if you're already using fairly small images, but it will still slow down your page load time if the images you've used are significantly bigger than how they'll appear on the page.

Instead of depending on your CMS to size images, use an image editor like Photoshop, or free tools like Réduire Taille JPG or even good old Microsoft Paint, to réduire taille image to the correct size.

Compress Your Images
The other major component of photo resizing is compression. Simply put, image compression is a way to optimize images to reduce their file size, ideally without reducing (or noticeably reducing, anyway) image quality. How this works is fairly technical, but in layman's terms, compression squishes the data of your photo into smaller packages to send from the server to the browser, where it's reassembled into the original image. There are two ways to do this:

Lossless compression compresses the data in such a manner that the original can completely reduire taille photo without a loss of image quality. This is what you'll want to go for in most cases – otherwise, your images will start to look pixelated and less crisp.

Lossy compression allows for images to get much smaller in file size but with a reduction in image quality.

Is it possible to resize an image without losing its quality?
Yes! It is easy to do so. But first, you need to understand how to compresser image. Speaking of photo types, there are various common image file formats commonly used online. JPEG is one of them. Used to optimize web pages, JPEG's are convenient, given their reduced jpg size and quick loading speeds. PNG is a step up from JPEG, offering high quality but at the cost of advanced file sizes and reduced page speed. With powerful programs like Photoshop, different photo types can be easily transformed into other formats. Keep a common purpose in mind, as remaking from a low-resolution format to a high-resolution setup will not necessarily improve the quality of your picture.

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